

儀器名稱 (Facility name)



Scanning electron microscopy



規格與功能(Specifications and functions

廠牌與型號 (Model)Zeiss Supra 55

電子槍 (Electron source)Schottky field emission gun

加速電壓 (Acceleration voltage)0.5~30 kV

解析度 (Resolutions)1.0 nm @15 kV1.7 nm @1 kV

放大倍率(Magnifications)12X to 1,000,000X

試片座移動範圍 (Sample-stage movements)

X-direction: up to 130 mm
Y-direction: up to 130 mm
Z-direction: up to 50 mm
Tilt: -3 to 70o
Rotation: 360 o endless

試片座尺寸 (Sample sizes)
1. up to 13 mm in diameter
2. up to 32 mm in diameter

電子偵測儀 (Detectors)

  1. an Everhart-Thornley SE detector,
  2. an in-lens SE detector
  3. a solid-state BE detector
  4. four forward-scatter electron detectors (on EBSD detector)

能量分散能譜儀 (Silicon-draft energy dispersive detector, SD-EDS)

Oxford X-MAX (Mn Ka FWHM=125 eV)

電子背散射繞射儀 (Electron backscatter diffraction detector, EBSD)

Oxford Symmetry


  1. 電子影像觀察 (SEI, BEI, FEI)

Electron imaging observation (SEI, BEI, FSI)

  1. 成分定性與定量分析

Qualitative and quantitative analyses of chemical composition

  1. 晶體結構分析、相鑑定、集合組織與顯微組織分析

Crystal structure analysis, phase identification, texture and microstructure analyses

實驗室使用規定 (Rules and regulations)

  1. 本實驗室提供直徑13 mm和直徑32 mm的試片座,試片請自行切割、研磨與清潔。大尺寸試片請先洽詢負責操作人員。

Samples have to be cut, polished and cleaned properly to remove oil, water or other contaminates which can pollute the chamber in vacuum. Sample stages of 13 mm and 32 mm in diameter, respectively, are available. Contact the operator if samples of large sizes are analyzed

  1. 本實驗室不接受有機高分子試樣。無機粉末試樣需告知組成與製備方式。試片若是為非導電性材料(如非金屬或陶瓷等材料),本中心提供鍍服務,費用另計。如材料導電性不佳且不能鍍碳或鍍金,可考慮用低電壓觀察,請先洽詢負責操作人員。

Polymer samples are not acceptable. Inorganic powder samples can be accepted if the constituent and processing method are informed and approved in advance. Service for vacuum deposition of carbon or gold films on non-conductive samples is available with additional charge.  Analysis requiring to be conducted at low voltages should be informed in advance.    

  1. 若試片未做必要前處理、或前處理不當,有導致試樣中水分、高揮發性物質、具腐蝕性物質或毒性物質逸出,污染本機台真空之可能性時,本儀器無法提供服務。

Samples without proper pre-treatment/cleaning will be rejected for service.

  1. 金屬物性與微結構研究中心教授、博士後研究員與研究生申請學習、認證與自行操作。

Applications of operation training, qualification and self-operation are limited to professors, research fellows and graduate students of the Research Center of Physical Properties and Microstructures of Metals.

儀器設備使用或服務之收費標準 (Service charge)

  1. 影像觀察 (Image observation)
  1. 委託操作(廠商)1,000/小時

Operator service (Non-academic organization): 1,000 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(外校)800/小時

Operator service (Academic organization): 800 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(本校)700/小時

Operator service (NSYSU): 700 NTD/hour

  1. 自行操作:500/小時

Self-operation: 500 NTD/hour

  1. 影像觀察與能量散佈能譜分析 (Image observation and EDS analysis)
  1. 委託操作(廠商)1,200/小時

Operator service (Non-academic organization): 1,200 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(外校)1,000/小時

Operator service (Academic organization): 1,000 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(本校)800/小時

Operator service (NSYSU): 800 NTD/hour

  1. 自行操作:600/小時

Self-operation: 600 NTD/hour

  1. 影像觀察與電子背散射繞射分析 (Image observation and EBSD analysis)
  1. 委託操作(廠商)2200/小時

Operator service (Non-academic organization): 2,200 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(外校)1750/小時

Operator service (Academic organization): 1,750 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(本校)1,450/小時

Operator service (Academic organization): 1,450 NTD/hour

  1. 自行操作:1000/小時

Self-operation: 1000 NTD/hour

  1. 影像觀察與能量散佈能譜與電子背散射繞射同時分析 (Image observation, EDS and EBSD analysis)
  1. 委託操作(廠商)2400/小時

Operator service (Non-academic organization): 2,400 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(外校)2,000/小時

Operator service (Academic organization): 2,000 NTD/hour

  1. 委託操作(本校)1,750/小時

Operator service (Academic organization): 1,750 NTD/hour

  1. 自行操作:1200/小時

Self-operation: 1200 NTD/hour


聯絡方式 (Contact information)

儀器指導教授 (Professor in-charge):張六文教授 (Professor Liuwen Chang)

操作人員與聯絡人 (Operator):楊國裕 (Mr. K-Y Yang)

聯絡電話(Tel)07-5252000 #4087


儀器地點(Location):材料大樓三樓3024 (RoomMS3024)

開放時間 (Opening hours)

週一至週五 早上830至下午530

8:30 AM – 5:30 PM, Monday through Friday





聯絡分機: 2609