

儀器名稱 (Facility name)

濺鍍機 Sputtering system

規格與功能(Specifications and functions

系統說明(System description)

本系統配備試片承載腔與濺鍍腔,可以快速更換基板而無須破壞濺鍍腔真空。系統真空長期維持在3x10-7 torr以下,但是本系統無基板加熱能力。

The system consists of a load-lock chamber and a deposition chamber, allowing fast substrate exchange without breaking the vacuum environment of the deposition chamber. The pressure of the deposition chamber can be maintained at 3x10-7 torr or lower consistently. However, no substrate heater is available. 

真空度(Vacuum)<3x10-7 torr (deposition chanber), ~5x10-6 torr (load-lock chamber)

濺鍍靶材尺寸(Sputtering target size)f50 mm x 6 mm

濺鍍功率 (Sputtering power)2 DC power source (150 W max.) and one RF power source (100 W max.)

基板尺寸 (Substrate size)<50 mm in diameter

Substrate to target distance: 50-100 mm


  1. 單層薄膜濺鍍

Single-layer thin film deposition

  1. 雙靶或三靶共濺鍍單層薄膜

Co-sputter deposition from two or three sources

  1. 雙靶或三靶交替多層膜濺鍍

Multilayer deposition from two or three sources alternatively.


  1. 委託者請自備靶材,靶材規格為直徑2英吋、總厚度6 mm,非金屬靶背面需接合銅背板,總厚度6 mm

Sputter targets should be prepared by the user. Non-conductive or ceramic/semiconductor targets should be bonded with copper plate with total thickness no more than 6 mm. 

  1. 基板總大小單次不可超過直徑2英吋。

Substrate should be less than two inches in diameter.

3. 本系統單次濺鍍時間最長40分鐘

The sputter deposition for one sample should be shorter than 40 minutes.

  1. 靶材在濺鍍過程中損壞恕不賠償。

No compensation will be provided for target break during operation.

  1. 本系統使用氬離子濺鍍,不提供其他氣體濺鍍。

No gas source other than Ar can be provided.

收費標準(Service charge)

委託操作(Operator service)


Sputters800 NTD/hour


Target exchange500 NTD/


Sample/target delivery: regular or express delivery by Post Office

聯絡方式 (Contact information)

儀器指導教授 (Professor in-charge):張六文教授 (Professor Liuwen Chang)

操作人員與聯絡人 (Operator):林宥丞 (Mr. Y.-C. Lin)

聯絡電話(Tel)07-5252000 #4099


儀器地點(Location):理工大樓二樓 EN2026-3(room EN2026-3)

開放時間 (Opening hours)

電話或電子郵件預約(reverse by telephone or e-mail

Maximum service hours per week: 20 hours

聯絡分機: 2609