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2019/08 Solution to Global Warming: ArsA1, an essential TA protein carrier for algae chloroplast development

Solution to Global Warming: ArsA1, an essential TA protein carrier for algae chloroplast development



Global warming has been one of the most critical crises in recent decades. Recently, the research team led by Dr. Hsin-yang Chang, an assistant professor of the Department of Marine Biotechnology and Resources at National Sun Yat-sen University and Dr. Chwan-deng Hsiao, a research fellow at the Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica have successfully identified the 3D crystal structure of ArsA1, the carrier that escorts tail-anchored (TA) membrane protein to the chloroplast. They solve the mystery of how a TA protein is transported to the outer chloroplast membrane, a mechanism that results in high efficiency of green algae photosynthesis.

Because green algae capture 20 times more atmospheric carbon dioxide than trees can, this discovery could help alleviate the effects of global warming and climate change. The research has been published in The Plant Journal, a world-leading authority in plant science. 

Dr. Chang emphasizes that by understanding the molecular mechanism of chloroplast TA protein transportation, the efficiency of algal photosynthesis can be enhanced, thereby increasing the contribution of algae to carbon fixation. Therefore, large amounts of carbon dioxide could be removed from the atmosphere, reducing the greenhouse effect.

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